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A Large Chinese Limestone Fig of Buddha 18th-19th c China

A Large Chinese Limestone Fig of Buddha 18th-19th c China

An attractive, large Chinese Qi dynasty style standing figure of Buddha from 18th/19th c, with a serene face and down-cast eyes in a meditation posture, the body slightly elongated and wearing a close-fitting robe defined by shallowly incised incision lines, the stone with traces of red pigment, malachite and gold remaining with the curling dotted hair, standing on a detachable similar stone's original lotus flower motives base/plinth, in a Shakyamuni posture, the historical Buddha, Lord of the Universe.

Elegantly rendered in a deep meditation expression, its features defined by long and arched eyebrows merging into a straight nose, between elongated downcast eyes and full bud lips set in a serious, slightly smiling expression, this figure of Buddha is one of the finest examples of the highest standards achieved in the sculpting tradition of the
Qi dynasty.

The Northern Qi dynasty, and the Qi aristocracy, headed by a military class of nomadic origin, were receptive to foreign influences, especially in art. Hence, a style influenced by the Gupta art of India, noted in the long and arched eyebrows and the clinging robes worn by the present figure, acquired pre-eminence.
Soon after the northern Qi dynasty came to power.

Height: 118 cm
Condition: Good, repaired (rejoined) from the wrist of the right hand, with missing fingers and some weathering patina, gold and minerals pigments overall, abrasions and minor chips (See images for more details)
Weight: round 100 kg

SHIPPING Note: Due to heavy weight of this item, it will be shipped through FedEx, DHL, or other available shipping service with a tracking number or will be transported through a private courier depending on the destination land, against a flat shipping cost of Euro 950.

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